It's a long time since my last posting...
I think that i just like the laziest person in the world.. I'm sorry have done this,, it's beacause i was too busy,,, i just read other people blog, get some information there, without fullfiling my blog,, i don't have much time anymore write in my blog,, ough,, this year i may concerns more about my college.. (So, how your blog can get exist, Miin ah????)kekeke
But just like what Oh Ha Ni's grandma said that have fun living,,, (*Playfull Kss)
aahh,, i agree with that.. just like Seung Jo does,,
aah,, back to the topic..
Now the year 2011 has come,,
I must re-arrange my schedule,,, not being like this anymore,,, i wanna make a change in my life,, as the time goes by,, we become elder and elder from before,, so we must workhard in our young age, so that our time is usefull n not regret that in the future,,,
I don't know when it started,, but now i really addicted with everything bout Korea...
if i walk down the street,, my eys can't stop seeing Korean magazine,,
if i open internet,, my fingers can't stop finding Korean news,,
and also when i was studying,, i remember Korean artists too... (ughh,, stupiiid)
so i may have a commitment! to be better than before!!!
get a high score on exam, get a scholar (GO!GO!GO! ^^v)
That was my hope for new year,,