Kalo pernah melihat film princess hours,, orang ini yang memerankan pangeran Shin (lawan maennya Yon eun hye, a.k.a Chae Kyung)..
Ini merupakan berita lama, sktr thn 2008 ato 2009 dan udah lama pengen di post kan.. Tapi masih tersimpan di dalam draft blog.. (lupa di publish,, hhe)
Kejadian yg dibahas di bawah nanti saya ambil lngsng dr sumber2 yang bersangkutan tanpa diedit.. iseng2..
Smoga saja tidak ada lagi artis korea yang terjebak dengan narkoba.. Kita semua lah pkoknya.. Sayang sekali,, pantes aja nggak muncul2 lagi di drama2..
Awalnya saat mengetik nama joo ji hoon di google, kaget, pas di urutan nomor dua ada berita ini,, pas diteliti2 .. wah emang bner dia orangnya... nih, info2 yg saya dapatkan...
Joo ji hoon is arrested for drugs
Yes, you read that right. Joo Ji-hoon yang main di Goong (Princess Hours) dan terakhir tampil di film Antique Bakery, ternyata bukan hanya pemakai tapi juga pengedar narkoba! :O

Dia dan dua orang teman sesama modelnya, Yoon Seul-hui dan Yeh Hak-young, hari ini ditangkap polisi atas dugaan menyulundupkan narkoba dari Jepang ke Korea. Kabar terakhir menyebutkan, Joo Ji-hoon sudah mengakui tuduhan yang diajukan padanya.
Aktris kelas B Yoon Seul-hui dan model Yeh Hak-young sudah mulai mengedarkan narkoba jenis ecstasy di Korea sejak Agustus 2007. Sementara itu Joo Ji-hoon baru mulai terlibat sekitar bulan Maret 2008. Menurut kepolisian Korea, ini adalah pertama kalinya seorang selebriti dengan nama besar terlibat kasus perdagangan narkoba.
Ah… ga nyangka JJH ternyata bandar narkoba… Speechless gw. T_T
update: ralat sedikit Joo Ji-hoon saat mengakui dia menggunakan narkoba namun belum mengkonfirmasi apakah dia terlibat langsung dengan pengedaran narkoba yang dilakukan teman-temannya. Sementara itu Yoon Seul-hui mengungkapkan masih ada beberapa selebriti lain yang terlibat dalam penyelundupan narkoba dari Jepang ke Korea.
Hmm… karena belum pasti juga peran JJH dalam pengedaran narkoba ini, kayanya gw lebih baik ganti judulnya aja deh ya. But still, terlibat ama kasus kaya gini sama sekali bukan sesuatu yang bagus. Katanya sih karir JJH udah hampir bisa dipastikan hancur total gara-gara kejadian ini… Don’t do drugs people! T—T
sumber : http://koreanindo.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/joo-ji-hoon-terliba-narkoba/
Joo Ji hoon caught with drugs

Joo Ji-hoon was arrested for drug trafficking and selling to fellow celebrities. Also involved in the scheme was actors Yoon Sol-hee (28) and model Yeh Hak-young (26). The two accomplices were provided with 100 million won to purchase recreational drugs ecstasy (280g) and ketamine (280g) from Japan 3 times. The drugs were hidden in underwear, brought into the country and sold in clubs or taken by the traffickers. Joo Ji-hoon is charged with 2 counts of taking drugs (even taking drugs is illegal) during March 2008.
sumber : http://popseoul.com/2009/04/26/joo-ji-hoon-is-arrested-for-drugs/
Joo Ji Hoon terlibat kasus Narkoba
On the 26th, Korean police officials issued a warrant of arrest for actress Yoon Sul Hui (28) and model Yeh Hak Young (26) for smuggling drugs into Korea from Japan. Among the people charged to have received drugs from the two mentioned above, is actor Joo Ji Hoon, best known for his roles in the drama Goong and movie The Naked Kitchen. Joo Ji Hoon was hauled to the police station for questioning. The last update was that Joo Ji Hoon has admitted to the charges against him.
According to the police, Ms. Yoon and others were paid about 100,000,000 won since August 2007 for the smuggling of drugs such as ecstasy and ketamine. It was discovered during the investigation that Ms. Yoon would hide the drugs in her underclothes after obtaining them in Japan. The drugs would then travel through different people and Mr. Yeh, who happened to be the 3rd point of transfer. His drugs were then sold throughout clubs in Kang Nam and to his acquaintances.
Joo Ji Hoon began to associate himself with the two around March 2008 and has been charged by the police, for being involved in the 2nd point of transfer of the drugs. A police representative stated, “This is the first time that celebrities are directly involved in the buying and selling of drugs. We are expanding the scope of our investigations and expect to discover more people selling the drugs beneath the sponsor.”
Oh my goodness, I remember loving Joo Ji Hoon back when he was in Goong, but this is seriously a major disappointment. He’s loved by most of the Korean population, has been cast as main leads in his post-Goong works, and is pretty darn good looking, so I can’t understand the reasoning behind this act. Joo Ji Hoon is certainly the unluckiest one out of the celebrity bunch. He actually has a career that got ruined while the other two were some no-name D-listers that no one knows or care about anyway.

Most recently seen at the Prada Transformer opening ceremony just 2 days ago. Could this be the end of his career?
Sumber : http://www.allkpop.com/2009/04/joo_ji_hoon_caught_with_drugs
According to the police, Ms. Yoon and others were paid about 100,000,000 won since August 2007 for the smuggling of drugs such as ecstasy and ketamine. It was discovered during the investigation that Ms. Yoon would hide the drugs in her underclothes after obtaining them in Japan. The drugs would then travel through different people and Mr. Yeh, who happened to be the 3rd point of transfer. His drugs were then sold throughout clubs in Kang Nam and to his acquaintances.
Joo Ji Hoon began to associate himself with the two around March 2008 and has been charged by the police, for being involved in the 2nd point of transfer of the drugs. A police representative stated, “This is the first time that celebrities are directly involved in the buying and selling of drugs. We are expanding the scope of our investigations and expect to discover more people selling the drugs beneath the sponsor.”
Oh my goodness, I remember loving Joo Ji Hoon back when he was in Goong, but this is seriously a major disappointment. He’s loved by most of the Korean population, has been cast as main leads in his post-Goong works, and is pretty darn good looking, so I can’t understand the reasoning behind this act. Joo Ji Hoon is certainly the unluckiest one out of the celebrity bunch. He actually has a career that got ruined while the other two were some no-name D-listers that no one knows or care about anyway.

Most recently seen at the Prada Transformer opening ceremony just 2 days ago. Could this be the end of his career?
Sumber : http://www.allkpop.com/2009/04/joo_ji_hoon_caught_with_drugs
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